3 Essential Photography Tips


The most important element of any photographer should understand is aperture. The physical opening in your lens that allow light to come through the sensor. The wider the aperture opening, the more light can pass through.

The size of the opening, which is controlled by a series of fins encroaching from the edge of the lens barrel, which is measured in so-called f-stops, written f/2.8, f/5.9 with smaller numbers that indicate wider apertures.

2. Filters and lenses

What does the ø symbol on my lens mean?

The focal and aperture ranges and other measurements that you see on most DSLR lenses is preceded by ø and described the diameter of the screw mount on the front of lens barrel. Check this number each time you head out to buy a filter or hood, as you cannot guarantee that it will be the same for each lens in your collection, even if the designs are used on the same camera.


Invest in a cheap pair of lights

If you are doing indoor photography, invest in a cheap pair of lights. Buy one pair, with tripod stands and reflectors to direct the light. Opt for continuous light rather than flash units, as they’re cheaper, easy to use and great for beginners, you do not have to take test shots to see how the shadow fall during setup.

Understand colour temperature

The Kelvin scale is used to measure different colours and levels of light. For the best results, look for studio lights with a temperature of around 5,500k-6,000k to emulate bright daylight. Lights with a low colour temperature often render a colour caste in your images that have corrected photoshop or alternative image editor.